Pre-ejaculate (Pre-ejaculate, Pre-cum, предеякулят, пред семенная использовать) is a transparent liquid produced by the Cooper’s and Littre’s glands, which open through the openings in the lumen of the urethra, before ejaculation in men.
Men do not feel how semen comes out of the penis and cannot control it. The volume of this liquid can be very different depending on individual characteristics and degree of sexual arousal, it varies from a few drops to 5 ml. (preseminal fluid)
Pre-seminal fluid neutralizes the acidic environment in the male urethra. Urine is often acidic and leaves acid residues in the urethra. The acidic environment of the urethra is destructive to spermatozoa, so the pre-seminal liquid provides the main environment of the urethra.
Pre-seminal fluid contains glycoprotein, which is a lubricant during sexual intercourse. The environment in a woman’s vagina is acidic and unfavorable for sperm. Pre-seminal fluid acts as a buffer, contributing to the neutralization of the acidic environment of the vagina and helping sperm to remain healthy and active.
In order to avoid pregnancy, during sexual intercourse, men interrupt sexual intercourse, which is called coitus interruptus, during which they try to pull out the penis from the vagina before ejaculation.
As a result of research, it has been proven that 17-41% of men have sperm in the pre-seminal fluid, which can cause pregnancy. (preseminal fluid)
In those cases when sexual intercourse occurs again after ejaculation, the amount of sperm in the pre- seminal fluid is significantly higher and the probability of pregnancy increases.
Interrupted intercourse is not considered a method of contraception.