Sexual act, sex (coitus, intercourse) when an erect penis penetrates the vagina for the purpose of sexual
pleasure, reproduction, or both. Also known as vaginal intercourse or vaginal sex. Other forms of sexual
intercourse include: anal sex (anal sex, anal penetration of the penis)
- oral sex (oral sex, penetration of the penis into the mouth)
- application (penetration with fingers)
- penetration (sex toy)
Two or more people can participate in the above actions, they are performed exclusively for the purpose of obtaining physical or emotional pleasure or to establish a certain social bond between people.
What are the 10 benefits of sex for health?
1. Supports the activity of the immune system
People who lead an active sex life get sick less often
People who have frequent sexual contact 2-3 times a week have some antibodies that, in turn, protect
against harmful bacteria and viruses. Despite this news, there are other things that people should do to
improve their immune system.
- eat correctly
- be active
- высыпаться during the daypass obligatory vaccinations
- use condoms during intercourse
2․ Activates your libido (sexual desire)
Libido or sexual desire is a unique feeling that pushes a person to sexual intimacy. Frequent sexual intercourse activates sexual life and libido. In women, frequent sexual intercourse increases blood flow to the vagina, increases the elasticity of the vagina, thus contributing to healthy and pleasant sexual intercourse.
3․ Regulates the work of the female bladder
In some women, urinary incontinence occurs due to weakness of the pelvic muscles. This problem occurs in 30% of women at some stage of their lives. Good sexual relationships train the muscles of the pelvis. During orgasm, the muscles of the pelvis contract, contributing to their strengthening, which, in turn, prevents the occurrence of urinary incontinence.
4․ Lowers blood pressure
Some authors proved that sexual intercourse (not masturbation) reduces systolic pressure.
5․ It is an exercise
Sex can be considered a form of exercise, but not a sport, because it cannot be replaced by running or cycling. Five calories are lost in one minute of sexual intercourse.
6․ Reduces the risk of myocardial infarction
Good sexual relationships have a good effect on the heart. Although sexual intercourse is an ideal way to increase heart rate and increase workload, it also regulates the balance of testosterone and estrogen. People who have sex 2-3 times a week suffer heart attacks twice as often as people who have sex less often.
7․ Reduces pain sensations
Orgasm can be pain-free. During orgasm, some hormones are activated, which, in turn, raise the pain threshold. Vaginal stimulation can also have an analgesic effect. According to some researchers, pain during the menstrual cycle can also decrease.
8. May prevent prostate cancer
According to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, men who ejaculate often (at least 21 times a month) are less likely to develop prostate cancer. We are talking about ejaculation, not sexual intercourse.
9. Improves sleep
Sleeping after sex is much easier and more pleasant. After orgasm, the hormone prolactin enters the blood, which causes muscle relaxation and drowsiness.
10․ Relieves stress
Sexual intercourse with a partner can reduce stress and anxiety. Touches and hugs contribute to the release of “feel-good” hormones into the blood, which, in turn, improve mood, cause pleasant sensations and reduce the effects of stress.