admin2023-07-04T09:57:28+00:00STDs, also known as sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted diseases, are primarily transmitted sexually through vaginal, oral, or rectal intercourse. (STD)
The term urinary tract infection refers to a range of clinical situations, from asymptomatic bacteriuria to severe purulent inflammation of the kidneys, which can result in sepsis (blood poisoning). Urinary tract infections are among the most common infectious diseases and are considered to be a major problem for society.
Testicular cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops in the testicles. The testicles are male sex glands that produce spermatozoa and also the male sex hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the secondary signs of the male sex (hair growth in some areas of the face and body). , voice change, etc.).
Most often, neoplasms from the organs of the genitourinary system occur in the prostate, bladder and kidneys. World statistics claim that prostate cancer is the most common in the world, but Armenia's statistics contradict world data. Bladder cancer is more common in our country.
Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin of the glans penis cannot be retracted or it retracted with difficulty. This phenomenon can be accompanied by urination disorder, pain, inflammation. We distinguish between primary (physiological) and secondary (pathological) phimosis.
The testicles are the male sex glands that produce sperm during puberty. Their number during ejaculation reaches from 40-60 to 500-600 million. The testicles also produce the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the secondary signs of the male sex (hair growth in some areas of the face and body, voice changes, etc.).
Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems that occurs in 30-70% of men under the age of 40. Premature ejaculation can be acquired and permanent. In the case of permanent premature ejaculation, the patient had premature ejaculation during the first and subsequent intercourse. In case of acquired premature ejaculation, the patient has previously had intercourse of normal duration and premature ejaculation has developed as a result of some factors.
Pre-ejaculate (Pre-ejaculate, Pre-cum, предеякулят, пред семенная использовать) is a transparent liquid produced by the Cooper's and Littre's glands, which open through the openings in the lumen of the urethra, before ejaculation in men.
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, which is based on bacterial inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Cystitis develops more often in women, since the female urethra has anatomical features (the female urethra is short, wide and located near the anus), but can occur in both men and children.
Most often, neoplasms from the organs of the genitourinary system occur in the prostate gland and in the bladder. World statistics state that prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world after lung cancer. But Armenia's statistics contradict world data. Bladder cancer is more common in our country. Smoking has been proven to be one of the main factors contributing to the development of bladder cancer. The thing is that with age, the prostate gland in men inevitably increases and from the age of 45-50 it can interfere with urination and complete emptying of the bladder.