The prostate gland is an unpaired glandular organ of the male, which is located behind the base of the penis and below the bladder.

Through the prostate passes the urethra, which carries out the excretion of urine from the bladder.

The prostate gland is considered one of the important organs of the male reproductive system.

The secret of the prostate gland is considered one of the components of semen, which has an alkaline environment and contributes to the swimming of spermatozoa in the acidic environment of the vagina.

The prostate is a glandular-muscular organ that ejaculation, which facilitates the penetration of sperm into the vagina, and then into the uterine cavity.

Prostate adenoma is a benign hyperplasia of this organ, which, increasing over the years, gradually compresses the urethra and causes difficulty urinating.

Prostate adenoma is the most commonly diagnosed benign tumor in men, the frequency of which increases with age.

Clinical manifestations in prostate adenoma are associated with age. At the age of 55, 25% of men have symptoms of dysuria to some extent, and at 75, half of the men already have severe complaints of dysuria.

  • Risk factors for benign prostatic hyperplasia are not well understood.
  • With prostate adenoma, the following complaints occur:
  • Weakening of the urine stream
  • Frequent urination – urination more than 6 times.
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Painful urination
  • Tension of the abdominal and pelvic muscles during urination

Delay in the beginning of urination – the patient has to wait a long time before starting to urinate, normally it takes 2-3 seconds.
As the prostate gland gradually enlarges, this can cause acute urinary incontinence, as a result of which the patient will not be able to remove urine from the bladder and, as a result, it may be necessary to install a urinary catheter.

Ultrasound examination allows you to accurately assess the size of the prostate gland, changes in the walls of the bladder caused by the enlargement of the prostate gland. An important indicator is the determination of residual urine, which is performed by ultrasound after urination.

In healthy people, the bladder should be completely emptied, if residual urine is 50 ml or more, this suggests that surgical treatment is likely required. Ultrasound also evaluates the size of the kidneys and possible changes, since a large amount of residual urine in the bladder can cause reverse reflux of urine and, as a result, expansion of the pelvicalyceal system – hydronephrosis.

A general and bacteriological examination of urine is carried out to find out whether there are urinary tract infections or not. Infectious diseases of the urinary system can also cause urination problems.

This is a test in which the patient urinates into a special container and a computer evaluates a number of urination parameters. speed, type, intensity and duration of urination.

A blood test for PSA (prostate specific antigen) can rule out prostate cancer.

The normal PSA is considered to be 0-4 ng / ml. If the result is above 4 ng/ml, there is a risk of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is usually asymptomatic in its early stages and is usually diagnosed in the later stages.

Finger examination:
With a digital examination of the prostate gland, the finger is passed through the rectum, the prostate gland is felt, the degree of tissue elasticity, mobility, pain, etc. are determined.
As a result, it is determined whether we are dealing with prostate adenoma or cancer. If a digital examination suspects prostate cancer or is present increase in blood PSA, in this case, additional studies are necessary: MRI of the pelvis and / or prostate biopsy.

As a result, it turns out whether the patient has prostate cancer or not, and only after that the tactics of further treatment is determined.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is treated medically or surgically. Combining all the data: laboratory data, prostate size, bladder volume, amount of residual urine, degree of urination disorder (urofloumetry), digital examination and PSA result determine the treatment tactics.