- 2015-2018 Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, Clinical Residency in Urology and Andrology
- 2013-2015 Armenian Medical Institute, Master’s Degree
- 2008-2013 Armenian Medical Institute, Bachelor’s Degree
- 2016 Training course in Robotic Urological Surgery, Almazov Center, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- 2016 Training course in Laparoscopic and Open Urological Surgery, 26th State Hospital, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- Master class “Diagnosis and Treatment of Penile Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Bladder Cancer and Urothelial Carcinomas of the Upper Urinary Tract”, American-Austrian Foundation, Open Medical Institute, Salzburg, Austria
- 2018 The 16th European Urology Residents Educational Programme (EUREP 2018), Prague, Czech Republic
- 2019 Observership, General Hospital Vienna (AKH), Vienna, Austria
- 2019 Workshop “Systemic therapy in urological oncology”, Vienna, Austria
Professional activity
- Since 2022 “Medline Clinic” Medical Center, urologist/andrologist/oncourologist (general, endoscopic, laparoscopic)
- Since 2022 “Ajapnyak” Medical Center, urologist/andrologist/oncourologist (general, endoscopic, laparoscopic)
- Since 2021 “Children of Armenia” Charitable Foundation (COAF), urologist
- 2020-2022 Mkhitar Ghosh University, teaching urology in English to foreign students
- 2019-2022 National Center of Oncology after Fanarjyan, urologist/andrologist/oncourologist (general, endoscopic, laparoscopic)
- 2016 YSU Center of Sustainable Development, medical expert
- 2015-2016 Yerevan Ambulance, medical doctor
- 2012-2015 Yerevan Ambulance, paramedic
- 2013 “36.6” Pharmacy, pharmacist
Working with people with urological diseases, we often deal with such problems as sexually transmitted diseases, infertility, benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma), urolithiasis, and malignant neoplastic diseases of the genitourinary system.
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young people, bladder, prostate and kidney cancer in the elderly. In the case of surgical treatment of urological tumor diseases, the course of surgery can be fraught with a complicated and unpredictable course, which is why it is important for the doctor to have extensive experience in performing endoscopic, laparoscopic and open surgeries.
During the operation, it might be necessary to replace one method with another in order to have the desired result. I am an active member of European and American urological associations, I often participate in foreign educational programs. The purpose of the training programs is the exchange of experience, the increase of skills, which helps young doctors to accumulate a huge amount of knowledge and experience, which is especially necessary when performing complex operations. As a result of those trainings, we formed a large group of urologists from different countries of the world, where we often discuss complex clinical cases. During these discussions, each representative shares his experience and knowledge, so we help each other make the right decisions and put this knowledge into practice.
Բարդ վիրահատություններ,
որոնք կատարել է բժիշկ ուրոլոգ Չախոյանը

For kidney tumors smaller than 7cm, the preferred surgical option is kidney resection, where only the tumor is removed and the kidney is preserved. In case of large tumors, radical nephrectomy is performed. Surgeries are performed laparoscopically, resulting in shorter operating times, smaller incisions, and the patient goes home shortly after. In cases when the tumor is very large and it is technically impossible to perform a laparoscopic operation — open kidney removal is performed.

Bladder tumors are mostly malignant, with smoking as the main risk factor. Most bladder tumors are detected in the first stage and surgery is done endoscopically Transurethral resection of bladder (TURB). The removed tumor is sent for histological examination, as a result of which it is determined whether it is possible to save the bladder or not. Radical cystectomy (removal of the bladder) is indicated for
locally advanced bladder tumors. During this operation, the bladder and prostate gland are completely removed, after which lymph nodes are removed. From the level and quality of lymph node dissection depends the patient’s future life span.

Prostate cancer does not cause any complaints in the early stages. The connection between prostate cancer and the patient’s age has been proven, the risk of developing cancer increases with age. Prostate cancer has a hereditary predisposition. Men from the age of 45-50 should undergo check-ups, the most important of which is the determination of PSA in the blood, which is usually abnormal in the case of
prostate cancer and sometimes prostate inflammation and hyperplasia (adenoma). Depending on the stage of the disease, prostate cancer treatment is carried out in several ways. Basically, a radical prostatectomy is performed, when the prostate gland is completely removed. In the case of laparoscopic removal, we have a number of advantages: preservation of sexual function, early recovery, regular urination. Hormonal treatment is performed in case of metastatic spread tumors.